Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. At times, The Phantom Pain 's story is downright inscrutable—there are supernatural beings and strange visions and the game doesn't really have an ending—its true conclusion was excised when the game's director, Hideo Kojima, had a much-publicized falling out with its publisher, exiting the project before its finale was ever finished.
But even if the game's story is incomplete and a touch ludicrous—there's a woman who never wears more than a bikini because she's been genetically engineered to breathe through her skin she's clearly there for eye candy. As a pure game , it's perfect. It places you in the wide open mountains and deserts of Afghanistan and the Angola-Zaire border, full of camps and soldiers and weapons of war and asks you to figure out how to outsmart them all—not with brute force, which is an option, but with stealth and subterfuge; with your most conniving and outrageous plan and tools, both lethal and nonlethal.
Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. English and 7 more. View Steam Achievements Includes 42 Steam Achievements. View Points Shop Items 3. Points Shop Items Available. Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment. Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Add to Cart. Package info. Add all DLC to Cart. See All. View Community Hub. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions.
Please read the store description about any language or region restrictions. You must login to your Steam Account or create one for free. There type in your CD Key and the game will be activated and added to your Steam account game library.
This product can't be purchased and activated in Several countries. Please read the store description to know the full list of countries which are concerned. MiSFiT says on 16 July at Log in to Reply. Petrurcida Pasullo says on 9 August at Mouhamed Amin says on 12 June at Leave a comment Cancel comment. News Show more. Daily Game Deals. Top 25 Soon Most Played.
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