Android maven repository download sources android studio

Improve this answer. Gabriele Mariotti Gabriele Mariotti k 66 66 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. How do we add cloudbees authentication in the gradle file? How can I modify Android Studio so that the maven repository is added to build. I keep forgetting about this and have to rediscover why libraries are not loading.

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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. But it didn't work for me. Both to root's build. Then, in Android Studio when I click on any method from the universalimageloader library, I get to a screen saying that there are no sources attached.

If I click attach sources it shows:. As you can see, only the lib's jar was downloaded to gradle cache. I have cleaned project, removed. No luck. I double checked that universal image loaded has sources and javadoc available in maven, so that is not the problem. Checking the boxes to download Sources and Documentation. I don't think Gradle handles this at this point. I've talked to the devs and they are aware of it. We're looking at adding a hook in Gradle so that we can do it when the tooling API queries the model.

For now is just manually add them to the project in Project Structure dialog. Things are even worse as now Android Studio will strip module files iml from all dependencies which are not related to native Android Gradle configurations and tasks e. After you open Android Studio it will remove dependency, you need to add it again.

Try this plugin on github. It works for me. And it will download all the sources and, I believe, Javadoc and create a.

Then, at least, you will have the sources and javadoc to reference, which I assume you can then reference in IntelliJ. As in , I download a third party library which has sources available but Android Studio doesn't get them, neither show the docs. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. How to make Android Studio download dependencies sources and javadoc?

Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. Active 4 months ago. Viewed 34k times. If I click attach sources it shows: As you can see, only the lib's jar was downloaded to gradle cache.

To add a dependency to your project, specify a dependency configuration such as implementation in the dependencies block of your build. For example, the following build. This declares a dependency on an Android library module named "mylibrary" this name must match the library name defined with an include: in your settings. When you build your app, the build system compiles the library module and packages the resulting compiled contents in the app.

This declares a dependency on version Note: Remote dependencies like this require that you declare the appropriate remote repositories where Gradle should look for the library. If the library does not already exist locally, Gradle pulls it from the remote site when the build requires it such as when you click Sync Project with Gradle Files or when you run a build.

As of Android Gradle plugin 4. Depending on an AAR that exposes native libraries will automatically make them available to the build system used by externalNativeBuild. To access the libraries from your code, you must link to them in your native build scripts.

In this document, see Using native dependencies. Inside the dependencies block, you can declare a library dependency using one of several different dependency configurations such as implementation shown above. Each dependency configuration provides Gradle with different instructions about how to use the dependency.

The following table describes each of the configurations you can use for a dependency in your Android project. The table also compares these configurations to those that were deprecated as of Android Gradle plugin 3.

Configuration Behavior implementation Gradle adds the dependency to the compile classpath and packages the dependency to the build output. However, when your module configures an implementation dependency, it's letting Gradle know that you do not want the module to leak the dependency to other modules at compile time. That is, the dependency is available to other modules only at runtime.

Using this dependency configuration instead of api or compile deprecated can result in significant build time improvements because it reduces the number of modules that the build system needs to recompile.

For example, if an implementation dependency changes its API, Gradle recompiles only that dependency and the modules that directly depend on it. Most app and test modules should use this configuration. This configuration behaves just like compile which is now deprecated , but you should use it with caution and only with dependencies that you need to transitively export to other upstream consumers. That's because, if an api dependency changes its external API, Gradle recompiles all modules that have access to that dependency at compile time.

So, having a large number of api dependencies can significantly increase build time. Unless you want to expose a dependency's API to a separate module, library modules should instead use implementation dependencies. If you use this configuration, then your library module must include a runtime condition to check whether the dependency is available, and then gracefully change its behavior so it can still function if it's not provided. This helps reduce the size of the final app by not adding transient dependencies that aren't critical.

This configuration behaves just like provided which is now deprecated. To add a dependency on a library that is an annotation processor, you must add it to the annotation processor classpath using the annotationProcessor configuration. That's because using this configuration improves build performance by separating the compile classpath from the annotation processor classpath.

If Gradle finds annotation processors on the compile classpath, it deactivates compile avoidance , which negatively impacts build time Gradle 5. The Android Gradle plugin assumes a dependency is an annotation processor if its JAR file contains the following file:. If the plugin detects an annotation processor that's on the compile classpath, it produces a build error. Note: Kotlin projects should use kapt to declare annotation processor dependencies.

Use this configuration to include lint checks you want Gradle to execute when building your project. Note: When using Android Gradle plugin 3. To include lint check dependencies in your AAR libraries, use the lintPublish configuration described below.

All of the above configurations apply dependencies to all build variants. If you instead want to declare a dependency for only a specific build variant source set or for a testing source set , you must capitalize the configuration name and prefix it with the name of the build variant or testing source set.

For example, to add an implementation dependency only to your "free" product flavor using a remote binary dependency , it looks like this:. However, if you want to add a dependency for a variant that combines a product flavor and a build type, then you must initialize the configuration name in the configurations block. The following sample adds a runtimeOnly dependency to your "freeDebug" build variant using a local binary dependency.

To add implementation dependencies for your local tests and instrumented tests , it looks like this:. However, certain configurations don't make sense in this situation. For example, because other modules can't depend on androidTest , you get the following warning if you use the androidTestApi configuration:.

If you add annotation processors to your compile classpath, you'll see an error message similar to the following:. To resolve this error, add annotation processors to your project by configuring your dependency using annotationProcessor as shown below:.

Note: Android plugin for Gradle 3. If you need to pass arguments to an annotation processor, you can do so using the AnnotationProcessorOptions block in your module's build configuration. For example, if you want to pass primitive data types as key-value pairs, you can use the argument property, as shown below:. However, when using Android Gradle plugin 3.

Using CommandLineArgumentProvider allows you or the annotation processor author to improve the correctness and performance of incremental and cached clean builds by applying incremental build property type annotations to each argument.

For example, the class below implements CommandLineArgumentProvider and annotates each argument for the processor.

The sample also uses the Groovy language syntax and is included directly in the module's build. After you define a class that implements CommandLineArgumentProvider , you need to create an instance and pass it to the Android plugin using the annotationProcessorOptions.

To learn more about how implementing CommandLineArgumentProvider helps improve build performance, read Caching Java projects. If you have dependencies on the compile classpath that include annotation processors you don't need, you can disable the error check by adding the following to your build.

Keep in mind, the annotation processors you add to the compile classpath are still not added to the processor classpath. If you experience issues after migrating your project's annotation processors to the processor classpath, you can allow annotation processors on the compile classpath by setting includeCompileClasspath to true.

However, setting this property to true is not recommended, and the option to do so will be removed in a future update of the Android plugin.

As an app grows in scope, it can contain a number of dependencies including direct dependencies and transitive dependencies libraries which your app's imported libraries depend on. To exclude transitive dependencies that you no longer need, you can use the exclude keyword as given below:.

If you need to exclude certain transitive dependencies from your tests, the code sample shown above might not work as expected. That's because a test configuration e. That is, it always contains implementation dependencies when Gradle resolves the configuration.


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