Business communication today 14th edition pdf download

Point out that this exercise is concerned with negative forms of to be. Hightight the contracted forms and eticit the long Go through the example with the class. Then tetl forms e. Encourage the class to check any unfamiliar jobs in a dictionary and modeI pronunciation for them. Tell students to decide whether each iob is preceded Play the recording again to give students the by a or an. Check answers around the class- o z. Elicit the answer i manager optician on engineer. Note any areas where students , research analyst need more practice.

Students listen first for general information and say ffi whether statements are true or false. They then listen for specific information and complete three extracts Quickty teach or revise vocabutary for the famity from the conversations. Finatty, students use the mother, father, brother, sister, son, doughter, language to practise simitar conversations.

Ask a student to read out the example. Divide the ctass into pairs. Telt students to take turns to tatk about their iob and the lobs of their famity Elicit any phrases students already have for and friends.

Get one or two pairs to tell you about the jobs of Play Conversation 1 recording f. Pause to elicit peopte they know. Nominate Conversation 1. Ask students whether the statements individuats to tell you the iob of someone in the are true or fatse.

Encourage students to correct class. Once again, focus 1 F 0im Davis works in sales. Altow [ess- o a 4 F 0onathan Ross is an assistant to Lucy Cotlins. Praise phrases that students use. Read the phrases together and ctarify any unfamitiar vocabulary.

Ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Ask students to read through the three conversations. Ask students: Which conversation is most informal friendly ond relaxed? Encourage students to give reasons for their answers. The language is informa[.

For example, they greet each other with the words Hi, which is an informaI greeting. For exampte introduce and colleogue. Formal language is used to make the introduction. Also Lucy introduces herself formatly, giving her Rositlon in the company- Ask students to choose one of the conversations to read in pairs.

Encourage them to copy the intonation from the recording. Ask students to practise the conversations again. This time, encourage them to include other phrases from the Usefu[ [anguage box. Choose one or two pairs to read out their conversations. Write suggestions on the board. Finally, Dear, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, etc. Clarify where necessary. Refer students to the Writing fite. Spend some time looking at the model together.

Where is the job suggested by the ctass. Why are you there? What job do the three young ,. Ask ,s Circulate, helping and encouraging. Hightight the examptes : lf practical, collect in the written e-mails and check for any areas where students may need extra work. Writing fite Course Book page ir:r Get students to tatk about the three peopte. Encourage them to think of a reason why they chose their candidate.

Check that they understand that they can disagree with their partner's choice. Tett Group A ihat they are employees of Treadlight Fitm Company and ask them to use the prompts to make questions. More confident classes may wish to add an extra question. Tetl Group B that they are job seekers. Ask them to look at the question prompts and think of answers to the questions.

They can base their answers on the people in the profites or use their own ideas. Have a brief feedback session to ask pairs what went well with the conversation and what they would change. This does not include Vocabulary 1: Days, months, dates Text bank odministrotion and time speni Students practise days, months and dates and use pages goi ng thro ug h ho mework. Afterwards, they tatk about their own work and Ieisure activities.

Lesson 4 Case study: Hudson Design lnc. Resource bank Writing Each case study is about 30 Students role-play an interview between a page minutes to 7 hour member ofthe Human Resources department and Practice File unhappy employees of a website design company. Writing page 10 Writing Students use the information from the case study to write an e-mai[ to the Human Resources team. For afast route through the unit focusing mainly on speaking shilts, iust use the underlined sections.

For one-to-one situations, most parts of the unit lend themsetves, with minimal adaptation, to use with individual students. During the tate 20th century, the concept of a iob for life was targely replaced by short-term or fixed-term contracts.

Recent economic upheavats have made many workers feel that their iob security is less secure. Some find themselves with too much free time on their hands when company restructures lead to redundancies.

G' Despite these chattenges, workforce values in the 21st century do seem to be shifting. Employees g are less witling to trade all other aspects of life for purely professional or financiaI gains. Work- 2. The average length of the European working week m is decreasing, from Self-employed workers in Europe. Simitarty, longer hours are more usual in manufacturing with 20 per cent of the workforce working more v than 48 hours a week than in service industries where 15 per cent work more than 48 hours a m week.

E-mait, [aptops and smartphones have intensified the pace of work and altow peopte to be contacted anywhere at any time. However, they have also altowed employers and employees to exptore different ways of working. Teleworking seems like a naturaI application of modern technology. Some flexible working practices, such as flexitime or part- time work, have also become well established.

Some people choose to downshift by moving to a less demanding job or decreasing hours and pay, in order to enjoy a less pressurised tifestyle and to improve their quality of tife. Work remains an integral and, for most of us, essential part of our everyday tife. We are arguabty armed with more toots and opportunities than ever before to share the time we give to work and the time we give to ourselves and family.

Yet getting that batance right remains a difficult task. Explain to students that certain words previous lessons to help students consotidate lenorreoa often go together to form common expressions. Divide the class into groups. Ask students what words they. Do the same with the other three sections.

Groups take turns to call out countries and tZ nationalities. Write ideas on the board. Check t high salary, long holidays, hetpfut colleagues. Ptay the recording for studenis to check. Teil studentsthat they witt be studying tanguage for work and leisure today. Focus on the exampte. Point to each heading and elicit or exptain a little about each. Ask students to discuss 2 tong hotidays 3 helpiut cotleagues whether they agree or not.

Encourage students to give reasons v,ihere possible. Check students' understanding of the remaining word partnerships. Starting up This section looks at what people want from work. Write the list on the board. Books ctosed. Write the After a few minutes, divide the class into pairs. Ask students to compare their lists with a partner and to choose the five most important things from Girre students five minutes to list things that they the combined lists. Encourage them to use dictionaries.

Have a Eticit ideas around the class. Compare and contrast brief feedback session. Students might not be able to contribute much tanguage at this stage; if so, attow them to look at the boxes in Exercise B for ideas.

However, it is useful to ask students to attempt this exercise 'btind'at first to ascertain their leveI ofvocabulary in this area. UI u, Books ctosed. Model and drill pronunciation by Hightight the differences between the use of at and o z, asking students to take turns saying the days ofthe on in British and American Engtish. Ask students to call out the preposition that goes with the phrase. Write Friday 5, Monday 1, Saturday 6, Tuesday 2, some other dates on the board and get students to Sunday 7, Thursday 4, Wednesday 3 say them.

Ask siudents to use You may wish to tell your ctass that in Muslim the prepositions to comptete the sentences. Get societies, the weekend is Friday and the week starts students to compare the remaining answers. Saturday and the week starts on Sunday. Ask students to say the dates ofspeciat hotidays in their country. Go through the months checking that students know the correct order and pronunciation. Ask students to complete the exercise with a partner.

Check students seasons. Ask two students to read the exampte questions and Encourage students to dictate the months that go responses to the ctass. Answers will depend on the hemisphere that you lndicate that you want students to ask you the live in.

April in winter? Students take turns to ask Ask students what their favourite season or month is- and respond to questions about when they are busy and quiet. Note any areas where students I Aprit, May. August October, January, may need more practice. The first two should be fairty straightforward, as Ask students to complete the exercise individualty.

Circulate and monitor, hetping where necessary. The third question may need more thought. Ensure that students understand it and perhaps elicit some 2in 3on 4on 5in 6on 7in examptes e. Encourage students to me feel Students a a answer yes or no.

Ask students to read the article again to find the answer to the first question, Get them to compare This could be a good opportunity to compare Eugene Kaspersky's routine with students' own. Ask: What clothes To recycle, write the letters CEO on the board and do people usually weqr to the office?

As a ctass, discuss questions 2 and 3. Encourage them to brainstorm the sort of daity routine he or she might lf you have time, you coutd discuss whether studenis have and write a schedu[e on the board. Get students to work in smatI groups and discuss. Read the first paragraph together. Point to the 2 ln other countries - the article says Most of the photograph and ask: Whot's his name?

What's compony's soles ore outside Russia. Where is the company based? How many countries does the company have offices in?

Does the 3 No - he works hard, but he also thinks it's important to retax. He tries to take two days company have a competitor? He doesn't get up earty and goes to the gym at the end ofthe office day to retax. Give them five minutes for this. Look at the schedute they wrote in Highlight the example. Seeif Stop and give students the opportunity to compare answers together. Then check the answers around students know any other ways to say this He spends half his time travelling.

Ask where he is based when the class. Ask students to identify where in the article they l Get students to say how Eugene relaxes when he's in found the answers. Moscow He goes to the gvm. F He normatly wears shirts and ieans. He only wears a suit for very important meetings. Write it on the board. F The article says that he doesn't get up early, especiatty after a business trip. Ask the ctass one or two questions about Darren z. Eticit short answers Yes, he does.

No, he doesn't. Ask them to take turns to ask and answer questions about Darren Throop's day. This exercise gives students practice in all forms of the present simpte positive.

Check the answers together. Tell students that it is important to read the 1b 2a 3d 4c 5g 6e 7h 8f information carefutly to find the correct form of the verbs in brackets to use. Then have students comptete the exercise with the verbs attend, give, spend and go.

Ask two or three stronger students to tel[ the ctass Use Exercise B as a modelto write a paragraph about about their partner using he or she. Pause occasionatly to invite the ctass to guess or provide information about you. Tett students to You may wish to get students to do this for Language focus 1: Present simple homework.

Cotlect in the written work to check any Students are introduced to the present simple. This section introduces vocabulary for leisure activities, To demonstrate, tell the class again about your as well as the verbs going to, playing, wotching and typical day. Students talk about the activities using love, like, quite like and don't like, o Ask students to repeat back the parts that they remember and write the sentences on the board. Books closed.

Ask students what leisure activities ,r Use the Language focus box as a guide and eticit or things to do when they are not studying or working present all the forms of trovel, attend and work. They can use dictionaries to hetp. Books open. Get students to look at Exercise A. She doesn't have m n e. Circulate and encourage. Use this as an opportunity to practise the third person form Tqriq doesn't like playing golf at the weekend, Lena loves going to restaurants in the evening, elc.

Give students two or three minutes to think of ideas Listening: Working and relaxing and have a feedback session. Encourage siudents to express their ideas in sentences l think she likes Students listen to an interview in three parts. The playing golf, etc,. She likes reading the newspaper and going running. Tell students that Get the ctass to recap things that they know about Ros they are going to hear an interview with her in three parts.

They can do this in likes in her iob. Students could then check their answer around the class. Ask them to guess which to have a typical day. Say what you tike to do to relax using whote sentences. Point out that the speakers are from different countries.

Pause after n a his response to each question, eliciting the answers. Language focus 2: Adverbs and Ptay lsabelte's and Dan's interviews and ask students expressions of freq uency z, to complete the chart. Ptay the recordings again for students to check. Then , Expressions of frequency are introduced. The ctass eticit the answers around the class. Give them : Mark lsabelle Dan a few moments to read through it. Write the first sentence on the board When to be is used, the adverb goes after the verb.

Spend time l ' ctarifying and going over the exptanations where iin restaurant necessary. Exptain that students lnvite friends Play go[f on need to choose the adverb that gives sentence b the round for ,Go Sunday mornings same meaning as sentence a. Get students to compare answers in pairs, then check the answers around the ctass. Read the correct sentences together. Nominate a student to ask you the four questions in Exercise C. Answer in the same manner as in the recording. Check students' students understand the questions.

Ask one or two students the first two questions. Play the recording twice for students to check Divide the class into pairs. Ask two or three students to talk about their partner I m using he or she. They then ask and Circulate and monitor. Explain any words your class may have problems I don't enjoy I don't like Use phrases from the Useful lt1"h;' language box to answer. Encourage the class to ask you the questions in ,: Ask questions around the class such as: What do Exercise A.

Answer about yourself. Da you like tennis? Ask students to take turns to ask and answer the r Divide the ctass into pairs and get students to asl questions. Circulate and help if necessary. Pause and ask how many ,: Students change partners and tell their new partner speakers there are fr,vo. They can change partners again and tell their new partner Ptay it alt the way through and get students to tick about their first partner. Tetl students to use he or she Briskty check answers around the class.

Questions:1,2,3,5,6 i: Get students to take turns reading out their sentences. Ask the class to guess who the student is Answers: b, c, e, f describing. Then continue as above. Go over the words in the box and check understanding e. Before ptaying the recording again, ask students to look at the exercise and suggest the words from the i:i. Circutate and encourage. Can they think of any disadvantages of working for a website design company?

After the interviews, divide the class into two groups interviewers and emptoyees. Ask each group to a Pre-teach any vocabulary you think your class may make a tist of problems and decide which ones are need.

Give a time timit of 10 minutes, but if o Read the background information with the whole groups are getting invotved in the discussion, let it go ctass. Ask each group to briefly present their ideas. Note ideas on the board and ask the whole class to choose e Ask a few check questions such as: Are the the three working conditions they want to change- employees happy?

Why not? Why is the company worried? What department is interviewing people? What departments qre they interviewing? I Resources team and a company emptoyee. Writing Likes: A lot of variety in his job; meets interesting Ask students who were interviewers in the Task to people; his colteagues are his friends choose one ofthe role cards from page Give Dislikes: Long hours without a break; doesn't them a minute to familiarise themsetves with their spend enough time with his daughter; doesn't iob.

Then ask them to think about how they would like Try to work from home more often. They can either stick with the three working conditions they chose at the end ofthe Task, or choose ones more specific to their job. Students then use this information to write the e-mail. The main body of the e-mail shoutd have three paragraphs, corresponding to the three buttet points, However, ensure that students also use appropriate introductory and closing phrases for an internal e-mai[.

You may wish to get students to do this for homework. Collect in the e-mails to check any areas that need more work. Lesson 1 Starting up Practice Fite n m Each lesson excluding Students match lobs and probtems and listen to four peopte Vocabu[ary page 12 about case studies is speaking about probtems they have at work.

Listening: Typicat work problems pase An interview with Jeremy l eeley, a specialist in change leadership. Lesson 2 Reading: Workplace problems Text bank Three call-centre workers answer the question: 'What are the pages biggest problems for you at work? Lesson 3 Language focus 2: hove; some and any Practice File Students look at the use of have with -some and anv and Language review page 13 also have to talk about possession.

They page then listen to four phone calts and match them to problems before rote-playing a phone conversation talking about probtems with an order. Lesson 4 : Case study: High-Style Business Rentats Resource bank: Writing Eoch cose study is : Students listen to guests commenting on their stay with a page about 30 minutes to : company that rents apartments to businesspeople.

They Practice Fite t hour. Then they role-play a telephone i conversation between a guest and the manager of the company. They explain the problems and say they : want a meeting to discuss future advertising policy. For a fast route through the unit focusing mainly on speaking skills, just use the underlined sections. For one-to-one situations, most parts of the unit lend themsetves, with minima[ adaptation, to use with individual students.

So problem-solving is an essential life skitl, both at home and in the office. Many pressurised managers in the modern business wortd may benefit from training in conftict resolution to resolve disagreements. It is wise to deal with sensitive matters face to face.

E-mails and memos may contain sentiments we woutd modifi7 if speaking to the person directly or may convey an unintended E[' negative tone- Sociat psychologist Albert Merabian says that words account for seven per G n cent of communication, tone 3B per cent and body [anguage 55 per cent.

Trying w to enforce one culture's way of doing things can cause bad feelings. However, other cultures, such as those in the Middte East and Latin America, are relationship-orientated.

Meetings tend to be [onger here, as social interaction is a vital part of the business process, and a deal may take more than one meeting to finalise. Many probtems can be traced back to misunderstandings and loss of perspective. Sometimes ii is usefutto emptoy basic skitls that reflect how we woutd tike other people to treat us; be potite, don't shout and respect other people.

Problems witl stitt occur, but a peacefuI resotution may be easier to find. Get students to ca[[ out more suggestions and write these on the board b t,t,a maximum Ask students to number the iobs in order from most to least difficult 1 : most difficult.

Where possible, encourage students to give reasons for their choices. Ask m they think is difficult about each job. Overview Pre-teach any vocabulary your class may have Tell students that they witl be studying language for problems with e. Ptay the first speaker again recording 1. Eticit which other problem the Point to each heading and eticit or explain a little speaker mentions 2 difficult customers. Point to the sections you witt be covering Ptay the second speaker recording 1.

Check any unfamiliarvocabutary such as adjectives. Ask whether anybody knows what it means. Read the rr Books ctosed.

Get students to dictate the quotation Ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Elicit the answers an Americon musician ond composer around the class. Write the iobs a-d on the board. Exercise A. Ask students to add other probtems that Ask students to work in pairs and suggest problems can occur at work or when studying. Get students to work in pairs and say what problems they have at work or in their studies.

Read through the problems in the box 1-B and check students understand. Ask them to lf the question is not appropriate for your ctass for see if any of their ideas are mentioned.

Get students to complete the exercise individually and check ideas with a partner. There are a number of possibte answers.

Ask them to list those that they have experienced themsetves. Attow them to ffi add to the tist if they can think of any others- rm Check students understand the six adjectives in the box. Get students to do the exercise in pairs. Elicit ffi. Underline it and point out Point to the picture of Jeremy Keetey and ask: What's rhat big and smollare adiectives because they his iob?

He's a specialist in change teadership. Check students understand what he does He helps companies deal with change. Ask students: What is the opposite of big? Write the phrase on the board. Te[[ students that they are going to hear ieremy talk about his job and that the listening witl be in three Ask students to work in pairs, taking it in turns to ask parts. Reassure students that they don't need to and answer about the opposites.

However, you may wish Point to various objects around the class and ask to pre-teach key words that you think your class students to ca[[ out adjectives to describe them. Write on the board: He is on employee they can to describe it e. Say an adjective and ask students to Ptay the first part ofthe interview recording 1. Ask students to correct the sentence ffi He is a consultant and he runs his own business. Then draw a Books open. Get students to read through the house on the board.

Elicit another statements. Ctarify where necessary. Play the recording again and get students to say Hightight the words in brackets at the end of each which statements are true 2,3 and 4. Ask them to sentence. Make sure that students are aware that correct the first statement while you write it on the although some of the answers can be expressed in board Qeremy often works on his own. Ask students to suggest some adjectives to describe '.

Ii Ask students to comptete the sentences in pairs. Dictate these adjectives to the class: 4 It's too slow. Ptay the recording and ask students to tick the adfectives they hear complicated, fost, difficult, 7 It's too expensive. Give students time to [ook at the notes. Play the recording headphones, screen. The photo in the Course Book again and ask students to comptete the notes.

Check answers around the class. You could ask one Books open. Get students to quickly read the three or two students to read the completed notes. Reassure students that they don't need io m 1 change 2 equipment 3 property 4 prices understand every word in the three texts. Point out that not all the problems are z, mentioned in the texts. Check answers around the m Read through the questions with the class.

Encourage the class to calI out the ffi Ask students to undertine the adjectives in the three words that they think describe work in a catI centre. Write these on the board. Write the question on the board Whot are workplace or ptace of study. Ask students Focr-rs on the example. Ask students to suggest other to work in pairs and suggest problems that a person ways to ask the question Whqt problems do you working in a cal[ centre might have e.

This coutd be a good s Books closed. Ask the ctass to call out any question opportunity to teach appropriate responses e. Oh words they know and write them on the board. Look at the example together. Does he go? Circulate and help where necessary. Check the answers around the ctass.

Point i out that the auxitiary do is not used with fo be. Write : 3 How often do you travel abroad? You have on office.

She lives in Milon. They work for Microsoft. Put students in pairs and ask them to make the sentences negative You don't hove an office. She Some students may prefer to write the questions doesn't live in Milan. They don't work for Microsoft. Make the first sentence into a question Do you hove Encourage students to ask you the questions. Check an offrce? Encourage students to say the question the word order and the form of do. Point out or elicit that the answer to a question starting with the verb do is 3 Where do you work?

Exptain that when questions begin with a question 5 How often do you work at the weekend? Give students time to read Point out that a conversation often starts with one or their rote cards. For example:. A Demonstrate the activity with a confident student, A: Do you like sport?

A: What sports do you play? B: Tennis and footboll. Circulate and help where needed. Encourage studenis to catl out suggestions. Eticit No and say: We don't have o photocopier. U1 agree about money. Engtish and is also correct. Ensure students understand the sentences and ,: Check the answers together.

He has an iPad. He doesn't have a are false. He has some great colleagues. Circulate and monitor, making sure that students are formi ng negatives correctty. He has a laptop. If you feet students can cope with it, ask them to join 2 I often work in teams. Remind them that a positive sentence with a negative sentence needs buf, whereas two positive 4 I like giving presentations. Yes he does; Does he have an iPhone?

Students work in pairs to compare their answers No, he doesn't. Look at the exampte together and comptete the second question with the ctass. Get students to complete the questions.

Check answers with the ctass. Do you hove o Ask students to compare their answers with a sat-nav? Ask students to prepare Check the answers with the whole class. Students listen to a call where a person gets through Ptay the rest of the ca[[s and have students comptete on the phone and asks for information.

They then listen to four short phone calls. The Useful language box the exercise individuatty. Play it again and get the whole class to answer the questions.

Write the name on the board. Ptay the recordings and tetl students to tick the expressions they hear. Look at the audio script with the whote class and check the phrases. Ptay the recording again and get students to check the phrases on the board. Ask students to look at the audio script on page to check. As students become more confident, l've got a probtem.

Note any areas that may , U1 Sorry about that. Thanks for your help. Which modetis it? Catt 4 Can I speak to Sorry about that. On the board, write: Speok slowly, please. Do you speak Istudents'tanguage]? Ask students to decide which phrase they can use if: a ' they urant the person to repeat. This would be a good point to tell students how important it is to prepare before making telephone calls in English.

You could compile a list of useful tetephone vocabulary with the ctass which students can keep at work, either on their desk or in a drawer for easy access.

On the board, write the headings Sales Representative and Customer. The customer tetephones the sales representative to exptain the problem. Ask the ctass to suggest what the problem could be. Eticit some phrases that the sales representative and the customer cou[d use. Ask students what sort of and say what is different. Ask students Eticit ideas and write them on the board. I what facitities they expect to have in an apartment.

Point Write on the board the headings Monager at High- to the picture of the apartment and ask students to Style Business Rentqls and Guest. Ask students suggest adjectives to describe it. Ask students to suggest what each word or phrase Circulate and monitor. Writing rs Get students to identify the adjectives in the brochure. Would they this very straightforward after doing part 1 of the like to stay there? Remind them that this is an internaI e-mail, so ,s Now ask students to listen to the comments made by does not have to be formal.

High-Styte guests and make notes. This is important when travetling complete the examptes individuatty, or doing business with people from different countries. Get students to work in groups and discuss the Seating Germany: wait until you are questions. Tariq's i3r How much to Norway, Mataysia, Singapore: eat rude to leave food on your ptate favaurite dish is.. Egypt, China: leave a tittte food to show you are full ffi ibgFiti 4 ; Whatyou i Arab cultures: don't eat with your ; Go through the questions and clarify where needed.

Leavrng i China, common to leave soon after : i your meal You coutd write some of the issues from the quiz on the board e. Can they add any other advice? Give students time to prepare their talk. They can use Ask students to suggest some topics that the the notes or make their own notes, using the topics speaker might talk about. Ptay the recording and ask students to listen to see if their ideas are mentioned.

Students take turns to give their tatk to their partner. Writing Suggested answer Skitts i My office has six desks, a tabte and 10 chairs.

Cultures 1: Eating out ; 6 How many hours a week do you work? A 1d 2h 3g 4a 5f 6c 7e 8b llvriting B1e2d3c4f5a6e7b8a. I tive in loreolandI , come to work byltransportl. They go to the international schoot. I like , playing sports. At the weekend, I ptay golf or go swimming. I don't enjoy watching sports, though.

Lesson 1 Starting up Practice File t- m Eoch lesson excluding case Students talk about things they like and don't Vocabulary page 16 studies is obout [ike when travelling on business. This does not include Vocabulary: TraveI details odministration and time spent Students practise saying flight detaits and match goi n g th ro ug h homework. Students listen and answer questions about traveI information.

Practice File Writing Writing page 18 Students write an e-maiI to one of the guests confi rming arrangements. For a fast route through the unit focusing mainly on speaking skitls, iust use the underlined sections.

The modern businessperson is more likely to choose ftying as the quickest way of getting from A to B. Atthough safer than a canoe, this can stilt pose hazards. Frequent fliers are tikety to encounter a number of hurdles that can lead to increased stress levels. First, you have to actually get on the plane. Most airlines overbook to minimise seat wastage and no-shows. This means that if alt the passengers who actualty booked t,J C seats turn up, there could be a shortage of places.

The cabin environment ul can be cramped and low in both pressure and oxygen. Jetlagwas once considered the most U u, unpleasant effect of long-haul travel. Now travelters atso have to contend with worries about DVT 7 deep vein thrombosis , which has been [inked to protonged immobitity in planes, cars or trains. As people become more aware of the naturaI resources consumed in air travet and the pottution it creates, there is pressure for travetlers to timit their journeys and to travel in the most environmentatty friendty way possible.

Many countries are experiencing a slump in corporate travel, causing repercussions in the airtine sector. Some companies are cutting costs by restricting travel or purchasing lower fares. Web- conferencing and teleconference technotogy are beginning to be used more widely by companies. Some airtines are countering by investing in new technotogy that allows business travetlers to work online while in transit, making optimum use of the time spent in the air.

But the ftight from San Francisco to Chicago took 23 hours. So, despite any disadvantages, modern air travel remains the quickest option available. Telt students travelled to on business or on hotiday. Divide the class into ,: Play the recordings a[[ the way through and ask m pairs or small groups. Ask students to discuss what students to listen for any of the phrases they noted.

Point out that o z, students will hear some of the ptaces more than 2 Overview once. Pause after recordin g L. Give them a few moments to read the tist of Ptay the recordings again. Pause after each one and points. Point to the areas that you are covering in this check the answer around the ctass. Ask students if they agree You may wish to quickty revise the atphabet and or disagree with the quotation.

Ask students to brainstorm vocabulary connected Starting up to train journeys and flights, in particutar things This section introduces the theme of the unit. Students connected to stations and airporis e. Clarifli where questions individuatly. Pause after each one to take turns asking and answering the questions. Ask the questions again. How many ::, Look at the examples together. Draw attention to times and numbers can the class remember? Open don't mind : don't distike , which may be new to books again and check.

Ask students to catl out some things n Divide the class into pairs. Students take turns that they can do at an airPort. Do you like checking in? Say the verbs with the whole class and checking in. See what students can remember of any travel words to go with the verbs. Read the verbs and phrases with the 2 ftight 3 luggage 4 seat 5 passport class and check students' understanding. Do item 2 together confirm 10 bilt B, to look at the information cards and prepare Circulate and help where needed.

Draw students' Students listen to an interview with a business traveller and answer questions. Then ask students which action they think comes next confirm their flight.

The interview is in two parts. Ask students to say what countryAmsterdam and Check the answers around the class and write the Chicago are in rhe Netherlonds ond the USA. Read the questions with the class.

Clarify where necesSary. Pause to check the 4 queue at the check-in answers with the whole class. Ask students to say why they think Liz likes doing Hightight the example and do item 2 with the whole these things. Then ask students to do the exercise individuatly. See if students know ;, Students listen to the second part ofthe interview any other phrases that coutd be used in these and answer the questions from Exercise B. Model how to say the phrases and get students to repeat.

Ask siucienis io iry i. Ask and write them on the board. What sentences show they are on the phone? This is ludith Preiss here. Poul, l'm calling about Focus on the examples. See audio script, Course Book page On the board, write: He can speak English. Eticit the negative He can't speok English. Model the pronunciation of cqn atthe order first and to [ook at the question with con.

Contrast with Yes, he can lkenl. Ask them to each write three more questions based on the diatogue. Circulate, monitor and help where necessa ry. Ask the class to catl out the names of languages and ', Students then work in pairs to ask and answer each write them on the board. To make this more diificult, ask Highlight the example. Encourage students to ask students to cover the diatogue to see ifthey can you similar questions. Tell students to move around the class asking about " Have one or two pairs come to the front to ask and different [anguages Con you speak?

After a few minutes, ask atl Student As to move and sit next to a ffi ''': new partner. Repeat this two or three times and keep the pace brisk. Ask the class two or three questions e. Can Lukos Focus on pronunciation and intonation. Go through the answers as a class and go over any p Read the brochure again as a whole class. Where areas that caused confusion. UI n 1 can't 2 can 3 Friday 4 can 5 can o z 6 station 7 Can 8 can m z, s Look at the example together.

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