Firefox can do hundreds of things no other browser can do. I have Enable phishing and malware protection ON, and just downloaded uTorrent for test, with no blocking by Chrome beta. Thank you for this. I was having trouble with two files and all the rest were okay.
I ran my URLs through virustotal as suggested, and one site out of 62 decided my files were malicious. On both occasions it was Dr. I adjusted the advanced settings within Chrome; and my problem was solved. Thanks for your help; greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing this, especially the tip about the files remaining in the downloads list so they can still be accessed.
This is easier than changing permanent settings and still gives warnings so you can load the file up in a VM if you feel it may have been a risky click. This is very risky to Disable phishing and malware protection option. And you will face the problem after full downloading the file :. You will see that the file is a malicious and it has been blocked!
And there is no option to save the file but Dismiss. You can save the file and can grab it without downloading the file again! But how? Go to Chrome Default download location and Short it by date 3. See what you just downloaded the file by the name with extension. Rename it and change the extension.
Now use the file and check with your Antivirus. Just install the 32 bit edition even though you have a 64 bit system. It will solve the problem straight away. Seems to be a problem with the 64 bit software at least om my 64 bit computer……. How do i disable this in the latest version of Chrome The option is no longer available, and my downloaded files are being blocked.
You cannot fully disable it anymore. Google changed the name of the preference, and I have updated the article to reflect that. Third-party antivirus solutions may block downloads as well in Chrome. Have you checked whether the download was blocked by one of those programs?
Time to get rid of Chome I guess. Fack you Google Nazis for not giving us the option to exclude a download file from being blocked. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up.
Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers. Search for:.
Fix Chrome's Safe Browsing feature blocking some downloads in the browser. Google Chrome blocks downloads that it believes to be malicious. Find out how to download those files anyway to your system. Martin Brinkmann. Ask Fluther! What do you know more about? You've got knowledge matches! Already a member? Join for Free! Username Password Forgot info? Not a member? Join for FREE! Related Browse. How to speed up downloads?
Is Firefox better than Chrome? Bugabear 46 responses. How do you view a background image on google chrome? MrMontpetit 12 responses. I have a couple questions about Google Chrome, details inside. Posted April 21, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options PiusX Posted April 21, What is the screen shot of the screen look like?
No message, the screen just flashes and no download. If you can, does that correct the problem? The "Associat with torrent files" was already checked. No change. I'm using Firefox. Changed it, and still nothing.