DateTime is tableified. I probably introduced some bugs with this. Some rough progress was made with getting 3. No need to change it anymore. Fixed an issue that MySQL. Threaded options are no longer needed and will be removed as of 3.
SslMode is set to none by default contributed by Buggeroff 2. I am not sure if I lost performance on Async queries somewhere along the way from 0. Added Threaded operations. They work the same way as sync calls, but are slower as they are not executed on the server thread. You call them by using MySQL. If you are experiencing timeouts replace some async queries with them.
If you are experiencing hitches, replace some sync queries with them. Added Transactions; they do not have a Threaded option yet. Step 8: The required file gets saved to the specified location. Click OK to finish the process. Summing up, the only way to get the most effective results in a short interval of time is to use a reliable third-party tool like Kernel Import PST to Thunderbird.
A- Due to exclusive features of the Thunderbird email client such as pCloud storage, high security, spam filtering, useful plugins, single-click archiving, wide support to multiple OS environments — Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, Ubuntu, many Outlook users think of the migration.
Moreover, it is free too. This process is lengthy and indirect, however feasible. A- Yes, of course. A- Yes, there is. So, you can easily find the PST files on your system. Your email address will not be published. You can also subscribe without commenting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you liked this article, then do subscribe to email alerts for Linux tutorials.
If you have any questions or doubts? Related Posts. Hi man! Thanks a lot! Hi, i want to know how i can open the interface graphic of zabbix!!! Navigate to zabbix server ip address Reply. Hi, I am installing Zabbix on Ubuntu Serve Thanks, Sor Reply. My zabbix server is on my premise but the agent is on a different block Public IP Thanks!
Hi, What are the systems requirements for the installation of Zabbix Agent on a host? Streaming is not possible on a simple shared hosting without third party. HTTPS is mandatory in most case to use the webcam. You can change the chat beep : Create two audio files named bip. Geolocation Geolocation is used to set the GPS location of the user. Facebook Facebook login : You need to create a Facebook application in your Facebook account. That will give you a ID.
All details are in the Facebook documentation. More details How to set the plugin multilingual Add little flags in the header of your theme. You have 3 days to complete your account and validate your email to be unlimited. How to add profil search in search tab like quick search This is a Premium option.
The number of items that can be added is unlimited. The automatic sending of emails There are two various types of email : Regular emails. They give the informations since the precedent regular email. They are sending every month or 15 or 7 days. One serie during the maintenance hour and another serie the hour after. Instant emails. They just give a instant information contact request, message in box, smile.
There is a sending per hour except during regular emails period. Only one email per person per hour. From 0 to It is a very good interesting plugin. Please how can we add hausa language because I am interesting to build an hausa dating site to africans. Rencontre is the only dating plugin on WP. To bad there is no other plugin to find.
Also i registerd a new user with my other email and i did not get any confirmation so new users cannot register???? And i miss the Dutch language Its now 27 august and it is 4 weeks ago that there was an update from Rencontre??? Rencontre must be smart and fix all problems and update because they have the monopoly in hands on WP They can be BIG if they play it right So thats why i will not donate D'ailleurs c'est limite une escroquerie Ni fiche perso, ni favoris, rien quoi, une page blanche Contributors Jacques Malgrange.
Interested in development? Fix somes issues in back-office. Fix PHP8 issue in photo upload. Option to show chat conversation down on android. Login and Redirect Link with WordPress method. Hide email if used as login. Redirect Profile Edition after registration. Fix registration issue. Fix age max search issue. Avoid duplicate shortcode installation for [rencontre].
Ability to allow all gender search. Fix GPS issue. Rencontre Metabox Menu remove select all. Ability for user to temporarily deactivate his profile. Add rencjs.
Fix search issue. Fix modal window issue. Extracting the Install Archive. Creating an Option File. Initializing the Data Directory. Starting the Server for the First Time. Windows Postinstallation Procedures. Windows Platform Restrictions.
Source Installation Methods. Source Installation Prerequisites. Postinstallation Setup and Testing. Changes in MySQL 8.
Preparing Your Installation for Upgrade. Upgrade Troubleshooting.