Did you think of something else related to them? Knowing your triggers may help you with getting them out of your mind. Fortnite Game? Here is your friend list show. You see, I never keep track of how many friends I have except for this evening when I looked for the sake of this article.
Any friend requests you got will be displayed at the top of the list. In the top right, click the Friends icon. However, they will notice if you unfriend them on Facebook. I know one small trick.
You can manually delete friends individually from the Settings app. Yes, I know. Be it that you need to trim down the amount of DM's you have open, a reluctance to continue talking to someone, or whatever other reason. About Steam Support, I have had no issues with it always being quite fast with my issues but it seems that is more case by case experience.
Learn how to come up with a unique name for your Instagram account. They will send you an E-Mail with all the info you need.
DA Muro. But if you go to your Friends tab in the client and he is in the game, you will see that he is online. Click OK. Very MMO-like. Parker Laramie is known for his work on Unfriended , Argo and Allen v. Here's all of the achievements you'll need to keep an eye out for. Anyone approaching you that says they're from Steam Support or SteamRep and asks for your account information or items is a scammer.
First, you can send a generated Friend Code to a friend in any way you'd like. Retrieve the List of Outgoing Friend Requests. Find out hundreds of steam usernames suggestions to use.
Like, you can trade whole games. Clear images are essential for a successful search. We ask that you use the service we provide at PlayerDB. The person you unfriended won't be notified. Select your privacy state.
Maybe he thinks some other guy you're close to would be a better fit. Slay hordes of creatures on the black sands of Purgatory and sell their gold-stained corpses to craven priests. Talk to a therapist. Scroll down to the Assets and press the Deceive. Insta Stalker helps to search the stories, tags, posts, and locations of any Instagram user. How I look when I'm about to post something that will get me unfollowed or unfriended.
But if your ex is still following you on Instagram, don't freak out. Hmm, this won't help you find people, but if you "Add Nickname" everyone in your friend list, Steam will continue to show that nickname even when they aren't on your friend list. There may also be instances when you encounter issues with your games and you may come in contact with Valve.
How can you tell if someone has blocked you on steam? If a player has blocked you, and their profile is still Public, then you can still see their profile. Microsoft successfully suppressed Java for long enough for Sun to die. You can't just say "no it isn't" and make it otherwise. So it's like Google making their services slow on Firefox? History repeats itself, only the names are different. Tell me, how did Microsoft "suppress" Java? The main contention of Sun's lawsuit is that Microsoft was harming Java by adding features most notably, delegate - ie closures.
That almost nobody used. I know, I used them. There's no meaningful interpretation of the word "suppress" that applies here. Furthermore, Java was always a cost center for Sun. There is no alternate history where Java somehow saved Sun. They made their money from selling hardware that eventually nobody bought. Set aside your blind hate and learn from people that actually worked with these technologies in that era.
I can only speak as a SysAdmin at the time. I remember having to create different desktop shortcuts for differently configured browsers. Which shined through to invitation to tender.
No mater whether the subject had anything to do with something user facing. One way to suppress something is by diluting it or distracting from it with a bunch of slightly different options. Kind of like the spoiler effect in first-past-the-post elections.
C was part of what survived all of that, but I mean MS's original forays into Java. Dropbox, which has also been falling apart trying to become a product.
That was the final nail in the coffin, but they had been pushed aside before that. Hence the final "hail mary. You're ignoring the actual EEE part. Microsoft didn't just include a browser, they included a browser that didn't follow standards and had a bunch of its own extensions. Then since Windows was the largest platform, lots of web pages started using Windows-specific ActiveX controls and other IE-specific features on websites, and users had to switch to IE even if they preferred a different browser.
Steve Jobs did the same thing. The history of Office goes like this. There were many competitors and many users preferred the competitors, but Microsoft intentionally made them crash on Microsoft operating systems so that people would use Office instead.
Then, once Office had the most market share and everybody was locked into it because all their documents were in its proprietary format, they used the revenues they denied to competitors to make Office better. Now you say, look how good it is! But how did it get there and why is nobody else? It wasn't supposed to be an operating system. It was supposed to make it easier for users to switch operating systems, which Microsoft successfully impaired. This is the one where they basically failed, because the network effect counterbalanced the leverage of the Windows monopoly.
But it was clearly still an attempt to do EEE. If they'd succeeded in getting MSN Messenger into a dominant market position then they could discontinue or cripple the non-Windows clients and lock people into Windows with it. Large email providers killed the "run your own email server" approach, by marking email from small email servers as spam even when it wasn't. Plausibly on purpose. Gmail did that by offering 1GB free storage back when that was expensive and subsidizing it with Google Search revenues.
Safari on iOS is a very capable browser and crazy things have been done with it. Where it does make it difficult to replace a dedicated app, this can be ascribed to security more easily than "Apple wants one of its major iOS features to be bad". I'd love to see proof of this. There are lots of reasons Office became dominant, some of them even anticompetitive; "MS made competitors crash" is probably not one of them. Java was never intended to make it easy for users to switch operating systems.
Sun did not make "supplant Windows! Java's pitch was to make writing platform-independent code easier, but at best that's tangentially related to having users switch OS's. You're replying to a comment about people who run their own web server, so talking about Exchange lock-in is neither here nor there. I'm guessing you are way too young to have experienced it, because the history of Office was nothing like that. I did.
Hell, I even wrote Java desktop apps for a living in the late 90s. Microsoft did absolutely nothing to prevent Java from taking over the desktop; Sun managed to accomplish that all on their own. You can talk about "attempt" all you want, but there are still zero examples of EEE being successful.
As of , it had 1. I wrote a mailing list server that had a brief moment of popularity, and the underlying Java! I know a thing or two about smtp, and I gave up running my own email servers a long time ago.
Spam fighting requires a massive engineering team. Barring some sort of massive change in the protocols, the home email server is dead dead dead. Microsoft and Google are the symptom, not the cause. Then they stopped caring because Netscape was already dead. You're denying that Microsoft caused intentional problems for companies making competing products on Microsoft operating systems?
For Java to pose a threat to Windows it had to be a large enough proportion of software to allow people to switch away from Windows. To succeed they only needed to keep it below that threshold, not keep anyone from developing any Java applications at all. Explain Internet Explorer's market share circa The problem is completely the other way around.
Receiving spam is a minor inconvenience. The biggest problem with running a small email server is that messages you send are marked as spam by large email providers even when they're not. How odd… seem to have all the facts at your disposal, yet use them to support the argument of the person you are adamant that you disagree with. Not a combo I've seen.
MS did destroy whole swaths of the industry that threatened it—on purpose. A lot of the initiatives failed later, but I'm sure they cried all the way to the bank and their record-breaking yachts.
That a lot of their competitors stumbled on their own was simple fate. Every company stumbles once in a while. Unlike MS which was bolstered by monopoly, a single significant mistake meant the end of most competitors. MS on the other hand was heavily insured with a river of money after the IBM deal. That part introduces a slight problem to the EEE process. Not sure why you are being downvoted, you have a point. Though it'snot about license, but more about market position.
I'm also afraid that MS still has plans for Linux, but they are on the first E atm. I have exactly the same fear. Trying to lock down boot on PC is pretty much exactly what they seem to be doing. Hello to shitty OS on PCs Mikeb85 5 days ago root parent prev next [—]. I think this is something MS could try. However the whole computing paradigm has changed.
Laptops and PCs are mainly used for work now, and lots of that work is being done on Linux. Several Dell laptops including the highest end workstations can be shipped with Ubuntu. Considering how much of MS' value is derived from Azure and that their main competitors are Linux-first Amazon, Google , it'd be idiotic for them to try kill Linux again. You're right though, they'll probably try. I just have faith that enough hardware makers care about their users more than propping up WinTel like the old days both Linux and AMD have made massive inroads.
I wouldn't put anything pass these guys MS. Don't think you are overly paranoid. Those fears will be reasonable when most computers will not allow disabling Secure boot. Right now that's not the case for x It's perfectly reasonable to be skeptical of the measures being put in place which would make this possible, especially given MS's history.
To give an analogy, there might have been a time in East Berlin where people could have said: "It's fine that they check papers before crossing into West Germany. Your fears will be reasonable when they no longer permit entry. CursedUrn 5 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Secure Boot is about to become the consumer standard with Windows Popular online games are already starting to require it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Netflix and other streaming services require it.
Keep in mind that this is currently possible only because some governments were looking into persecuting MS for abuse of market power when Secure Boot was standardized. It doesn't matter if that's the explicit goal. Given the opportunity MS would do it. Yeah, I think you're being overly paranoid. Ignoring the question how much revenue they'd lose from such a move I don't think they could easily.
I assume there are notable parts where Microsoft can't easily figure this out anymore. Code was moved and changed over time and for open sourcing they have to be sure about each line being ok to open source. Look at Sun's process for opensourcing Solaris and where even OpenSolaris still had some binary blobs in some parts in the end after they went through the multi year process of going through it and rewriting different parts.
The OS has become more modular, would be easy to deprecate ancient stuff. If anyone has the resources, it is MSFT, however investment in Windows has been on a downward trend, so don't hold your breath. Who knows what's in the contracts Sure most of the things are out, but one helper function here, one there, maybe some data type they are still using relies on code from there And a few lines in an old subsystem and some and some successor of some original license holder can use it to refinance all their investments by sueing Microsoft.
Amezarak 5 days ago root parent prev next [—]. It appears you can absolutely make tons of money selling desktop operating systems in Personally, I think exactly what is ruining Windows as a desktop OS is trying to cloud-ify everything and render it more like a "future of computing" operating system packed with useless AI, Metro apps, cloud integration, app stores, and locking it down for normal consumers.
They want to transform Windows into a "hip" and "cool" Nadella-vision OS and that vision sucks. Microsoft is a fractal of infighting and groups at war with each other.
Cloud Services are cool, and Windows are the weird ones. But within Windows there's the kernel team who are cool and customer-focused, and the User layer as the weird ones. Guest42 5 days ago root parent next [—]. LeifCarrotson 5 days ago root parent prev next [—]. I agree with the rest of your comment, but I don't think this really works.
If, say, Windows 12 were to become open source, would you use it as a development platform or as a server? I for one wouldn't, the reason why developers don't want to be on Windows isn't that Windows costs money, it's that Windows is bad. It only makes sense for MS to continue milking Windows until the bitter end. Eventually it won't be worth the effort any longer and Windows 19 or something will be a Linux distro. I am seriously considering moving to Linux desktop and I am doing research on it.
I have tried a couple times in the past and my experience with Linux desktop was terrible. I am still not convinced to make the move. Maybe I need a Chromebook kind of OS for my family and a different one for myself. You might have heard it before, but here it is again: your "terrible" experience might be partly or not due to the fact that you've been using Windows for decades and know how to solve problems.
On desktop linux, you might not, so you experience friction and frustration. I'm currently on somewhat dated Ubuntu For me that's not a problem, I liked Windows 7 and actually stayed on it until , but keep this lag in mind.
BoxOfRain 5 days ago root parent next [—]. I gave Windows another chance with Windows 8 after switching to Linux Mint KDE of all things and that finally killed off any desire to use it as a daily driver for good.
I found KDE very understandable coming from Windows, in all honestly it felt more like "proper Windows" than the industrial accident that was Windows 8's UI ever managed. A user-friendly Linux distro like that was a gateway drug into becoming a terminal jockey though. Too many driver issues, software version issues, lack of unified distro environment.
Yeah, I feel your pain. I hate Windows more and more every day, but whenever I try to use a Linux Desktop for anything serious I find I hate that even more. Some day Microsoft will achieve a level of awfulness that makes Linux Desktop's awfulness the more tolerable alternative for me, but it won't be today. Maybe if I get really really lucky Haiku will be usable for my use cases by then, but that doesn't look very likely. I just can't bring myself to use Windows anymore, but I agree that Linux Desktop just isn't there.
I'm mostly on Macs these days, but I still have a Dell laptop running Fedora Every other day something breaks.
We're spanning the entire range here, from petty stuff like Firefox missing fonts, to straight up the kernel not booting. And obviously everyting in between, like apparently the only way to receive Exchange mail is to pay for a Thunderbird add-on. I honestly don't see how one can recommend desktop linux to someone without at least a minimal knowledge of how the OS works and some decent terminal-fu. As sad as it is your parent is right. Non-technical users should just get a chromebook. Any time you run a development release, you risk breaking something whenever you update.
I can't help on the Exchange stuff, I've never had to deal with that. It would be a little easier to just run Mint instead Cinnamon being native there , but on Ubuntu you can just "apt install cinnamon-desktop-environment" and then choose Cinnamon the next time you log in.
Exchange access outside Outlook and Apple's Mail. Part of why you need to pay for Thunderbird add-on is that Microsoft asks for license fees. Nobody is going to pay that for you and for Apple, it is hidden in the overall package price.
Well you are running Fedora which is a bleeding edge distro aimed at Linux devs and is a testing ground for red hat. Not really; I've never had any problems with Fedora. It is actually pretty polished distro. I hear this a lot. What I don't understand is why my own experience is so different. I don't find Linux desktop awful at all. It's so much more convenient. Probably a lot of it is just that we use personal computers differently and have different expectations of them.
When somebody is used to for example Windows, he then approaches any problem the Windows way. But the Windows way may be not the optimal one on any other system. But since it was optimal on Windows and the person doesn't know anything else, then he will see suboptimal results anywhere else. Even Microsoft had the same problem, when they redesigned Windows elements and the uproar it caused.
It's a steeper onramp e. More generally, I only find desktop Linux tolerable when I start from very little and build up to what I want, rather than starting with a full DE—even the heavier "kitchen sink" XFCE variants are too heavy to start with. In fact, accepting that what you can productively and pleasantly do with desktop Linux is a different though overlapping set of things than what's productive and pleasant under Windows or MacOS, and not trying to do those other things at all, is the path to contentment under desktop Linux, I think.
At least until it gets a lot better, which, with all the Wayland shake-ups, seems really far off, if it ever happens. I think it's more likely Google's replacement will get actually-seriously-no-bullshit-quite-good for desktop use, before Linux does. For the most part, though, I just stay on MacOS these days. All the time I lost to Linux during my decade or so of using it as my main OS on desktops and laptops taught me a lot, so wasn't completely wasted, but I just can't be bothered anymore.
I just want to start up the machine and get stuff done. MacOS gives me plenty of glitches, I don't need even more, plus a ton more crashes and weird behavior. And I do want my computer to just do a bunch of nice stuff for me automatically, without constantly instead, merely often breaking or glitching or requiring me to set all that up.
Tozen 5 days ago root parent prev next [—]. Maybe look at using Android for the desktop. The thing is, many people are already using Android for their smartphone. The jump to laptop or desktop is arguably smaller than many make it out to be. Don't consider - just do it. One at a time. The more you consider, the lesser the chance that you actually will. Linux desktop is terrible only as long as you perceive it as an "other Windows" thing.
No, it is something completely different. Instead - make a commitment, embrace it - and you will learn to love it. I actually tried this approach before, but eventually something would be come a last straw to force me give up. On Linux desktop, it's very hard to remote to the local desktop session from remote, also no automatic resolution adjustment like RDP. I don't know if I buy this explanation to be honest. I guess main business is office because nearly every company on the planet uses it for no good reason in that vast majority of cases, and please don't be the guy that defends 'cloud-like' auto-save.
But their office software and worse their office software APIs are abysmal. I am not registering an app and describe its function to access their beta graph API just to add a task to Planner. I fired the customer that wanted that. Desktop does make money since most people use their office suite on a Windows PC. Windows isn't that important anymore, but it is still present. And the direction they go with TPM and notebook camera requirements is predictably bad.
You cannot open-source Windows anymore, that would probably be a legal nightmare. Maybe parts of it of course. Some newer parts of Windows are open source, and in other places they've added open source software to the overall distribution such as OpenSSH. But yeah, almost nothing legacy in Windows has been or will be open sourced, due to the difficulty of tracing which lines Microsoft actually owns and which ones they only have a license to. For legacy components that have been open sourced, the only one I can think of is conhost, which they're trying to get rid of anyway in favour of the new and fully open-source Windows Terminal and its console component OpenConsole.
DHowett 5 days ago root parent next [—]. I could have sworn that OpenConsole is a complete rewrite of conhost. Having double-checked the terminal project's readme, though, I see that I was mistaken in this belief. Do you have any plan for Terminal to be able to be the default console in Windows 10, just like it can in Windows 11? Where do you place the teams in charge of the steaming pile of manure that is Teams, SharePoint, Dynamics , Office et al?
Seemingly these turds have also dropped from the cloud faction. My experience seems to be that excluding dev tooling, all attempts by MS to bring productivity tools to this brave new Internet thing have failed dismally. Office vs Google Suite is not even funny, if you have to use O, that is. Dynamics looks fancy at first, but make a few clicks towards settings and you can witness 5 different UX languages, one half-assed modernisation attempt laid on top of another. Plus the churn from ongoing attempts, pointless rebrands and nonsense invented by bizdev guys.
Add the famous MS back compat policy and you have a special kind of hell. Under Satya Nadella watch they brought in these changes. On every Windows computer I ever had, from 3 to XP, none of whose hardware was great even by the standards of the day, Solitaire opened instantly and was maximally responsive and crisply animated.
They changed things in Vista, I think, which slowed it down by was basically fine. But the new one "Microsoft Solitaire Collection" takes forever to open, requires multiple clicks to get a game going, lags, has ads, and is such a dumpster fire that one of the few joys I had in using my parents' computer when visiting them is now gone. Yeah, but that solitaire didn't even cloud. Would probably be faster if any other programs actually used their newer APIs.
I really think burning people with WPF and introducing their shitty store was what many devs drove away. Wasn't really a C good language and good APIs in my opinion guy for too long, but around the time Windows 8 was released, I left for greener pastures and didn't look back very often.
I think you might be just remembering the good times and forgetting the bad. When I first upgraded my box to XP, things weren't very snappy. Even Notepad took a second to open. Despite this horrible injustice, you still visit your parents, right? Visiting my parents is great! It's just that in the 20 minutes I sometimes have to kill on their computer I went from playing commercial games from my childhood to good solitaire to…bad solitaire.
So much for nostalgia. In 3, mine sweeper and solitaire where added to teach people how to use a mouse. Ads, slow loading and what not would have gotten in the way of doing their jobs. Once computers especially windows became ubiquitous they had to pay for themselves since user training wasn't picking up the bill anymore. With in-depth features, Expatica brings the international community closer together. Amongst other services, Expatica offers the best dating site for Expats in Germany since Finding love is a challenging quest even in your home country.
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