Someone added me on WaW named Mispelt Tell me if its you. I have more tho, 22 subs :. Last edited by Xperience ; 29 Aug, am. Yeah but its true. Both of you: Please combine your comments instead of commenting multiple times in a row. Thank you Hash: Okami Foxyhead never said he had a lot of subs.
He just told people to check out his Youtube channel. No reason for you to be a jerk about how many subs he has. Everyone has to start somewhere. Potato View Profile View Posts. Aye u added my Super Mario 64 map.
Spongebob one coming out soon like a month or 2. Originally posted by Wilburt the Worm :. Gongoozler View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by XxRazorMuffinxX :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 9 Jul, pm. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Discord link Never Expires. Looking for Active Chill players.
Custom zombies bo3 or w w. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Kino der Total, which translates from German to theater of the dead , is the first zombie map made available in Call of Duty: Black Ops and the fifth zombies map released.
The map features more than a dozen different rooms in an old, abandoned theater. New features include crawler zombies, which are zombies that crawl around on their hands and knees, the Fire Pit Trap which incinerates both players and zombies that pass through it.
A new wonder weapon called the Thundergun is introduced in this map which also sees the return of the cast of playable characters from Shi No Numa and Der Riese.
The map is included in the base Call of Duty: Black Ops game. Five is a multiplayer zombies match that includes Cold War-era historical figures as playable characters. They include John F. The map includes a number of new features including elevators, new power-ups and a Pentagon thief which replaces Hellhounds and is a special zombie that attempts to steal players' weapons. Dead Ops Arcade is a hidden game within Call of Duty: Black Ops that is unlocked by breaking free from the chair the character is locked to in the opening menu screen.
Upon entering the correct code, players will be taken to a new mini-game that is played from the top-down view. The objections are similar to previous zombies games, survive for as long as possible. Weapons, ammunition, and power-ups in this top-down shooter are plentiful as are the zombies.
The mini-game includes a total of 10 different environments spread over 40 rounds. Upon completion of the last round, a battle with a zombie silverback gorilla known as Cosmic Silverback ensues. Ascension is a zombies map that was included in the Call of Duty: Black Ops First Strike map pack and is the eighth zombie map released.
It takes place in a former Soviet Cosmodrome that has been abandoned. The map includes two new perks and two new wonder weapons, grenades called the Gersch device and the Matryoshka Doll.
It also follows the storyline of from Kino der Toten. It also features new zombies including Russian cosmonaut, scientist, military, civilian zombies and Space Monkeys that steal players perks. Call of the Dead is a zombies map that was included in the Call of Duty: Escalation map pack and features celebrities as both playable characters and zombies.
It is set in an abandoned Siberian coastal outpost that includes a shipwreck and lighthouse. Making a special appearance as a zombie boss is the godfather of zombie movies, George A.
The map introduces two new wonder weapons, new perks, power-ups and an Easter egg where the player must help the four characters from the previous maps escape to 'Paradise. It includes the four characters found in other zombie maps after they have been teleported from Call of the Dead Map into 'paradise. It also includes a new wonder weapon, the JGb that fires a beam that causes a zombie's body to shrink allowing players to run into and kick them.
Moon is the final zombie map that was released for Call of Duty: Black Ops. It was included in the Rezurrection map pack. Moon features the same four playable characters and is the largest of all zombies maps for Call of Duty: Black Ops. It actually features two locations, Area 51 where the game starts and an outpost on the moon know as Griffin Station. The game begins in Area 51 and as zombies grow in strength and numbers, players will eventually be forced to retreat into a teleporter which takes them to Griffin Station to fight off additional, endless waves of zombies.
Green Run is a large map that is part of the TranZit zombies storyline mode that links the five distinct locations together. It introduces four new playable characters and features three different game modes, Grief, Survival and Turned modes. Grief is a 4v4 competitive match where teams try to outlast each other; Survival is just that, try to survive the zombies as long as possible; Turned allows players to play as zombies.
It was taken as a Black Ops fan-favorite multiplayer map. Nuketown does not contain any newly introduced weapons or perks. The back story for Nuketown takes place during the same timeframe of the Moon zombies map. The map includes one new wonder weapon called the Blundergat, a new perk called Electric Cherry and Brutus, a new boss zombie. The map contains some objectives that players can complete to gain special weapons and items for use in the game.