Novum testamentum 1550 download pdf

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Reliquum est ut eoruiu inerita leviter perstringamus, quorum hominum opera usi theologi hodierni in sanctarum Scripturarum. Horum Tischendorfium, Tregellesium, recentiorum. Longe aliarn ingreditur viam Aen. Constantinus Tischendorfius, cujus editio 1ST.

Hujus viri industriam A. Nemo vivus si Millium Wetsteniumque excipias, nenio mortuus tarn immensam lectionum ex optimis libris rnanu scriptis collectarum farraginem, e tenebris produxit. In textu autem sacro ad pristinam sinceritatem restituendo veremur ne licet.

Opus din imperfectum a S. Tregellesio optime. Fasciculum Matthaei Marcique Evangelia complectentem, codicibus Graecis antiquissimis, versionibus, Patribus denuo ex-. De textu Tregellesiano hoc solura addemus, ilium de placitis vel. Estoni, doctorum aliorum, admonitionibus correpti, immo potius eruditi, mendas prioribus nostris editionibus inhaerentes pro viribus correximus lectiones.

Editores ipsos, eheu quos vims,! Cujus duumviratus nos adhuc superstites, in eodem stadio baud aequis passibus procurrimus, studia haec sacra nisi. Shilleto, A.

Legibus Lachmaniiianis ab initio misere emancipati, ad metam adhuc a veritate remotiorem quam Lach-. Hae Oriensecuti, in. Denique, in margine paginae exteriore, copiam solito pleniorem locorum sanctae Scripturae parallelorum addidimus, ratione liabita praecipue eorum locorum quae. Harmoniam Evangeliorum conficere, vel usum verborum, Novo Foederi proprium, illustrare videantur. Hendoni, in agro Trinobantium, in Kal. Confer indi Vid. Iov8as Se rf.

Acop 14 EAtttKetju. TO Trap avrtuv, d Xpicrros ytvvarai. TWV yuaywv. Se KUT irl. Marc, 1. R teatf. MOW marg. R wars. R text, non marg. KaTairaTijcrtoo-iv ev TO? U, Kal Trvpecrcroucrav, Kat Marc. Kat tSou, cret jyu. Kat cap. Kat TOV. KLdv tv TW Xaai ff. Ouat Luc. KaT neVoi5 ev iyopa L, 2 a rat? TTr AWT. TTr wow war,7. Trarpds yu. KaAayaov ii. TO AaAet. Kai KaraKpivoucriv auYryv on fjL.

Tos marg. Trcreiva text, non. Kat Luc. R marg. Kat vp. Ta 2IK0. Tvpov Kat StSdJvos. O Se OI;K dirf. Trapayyei Aa? X 9 10 6as LWI.

Et Tt? VTOV, Kat a. R Fers. LTr u I0 3. Y -oriLli Wtl marg. K otVtve5 KOtXta? Now revised and improved: critical apparatus revised; Papyrii included for the first time; in-depth revision of the Catholic Epistles, with more than 30 changes to the upper text; and Scripture references systematically reviewed for accuracy.

It presents the text of the 28th edition of the "Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece "and the "Novum Testamentum Latine Nova Vulgata "on facing pages, and includes the critical apparatus for both editions, facilitating a detailed study of the history of the Greek and Latin textual tradition. Supplements to Novum Testamentum Author : A. Greek text by Tischendorf. Critical apparatus by Tregelles and Westcott-Hort.

Foreword by O. Like NA28, this is the leading edition of the original text of the New Testament. The idea that God, understood as the most perfect being, must create the best possible world is often underacknowledged by contemporary theologians and philosophers of religion. This book clearly demonstrates the rationale for what Justin J. Daeley calls Theistic Optimism and interacts with the existing literature in order to highlight its limitations.

While locating Theistic Optimism in the thought of Gottfried Leibniz, Daeley argues that Theistic Optimism is consistent with divine freedom, aseity, gratitude, and our typical modal intuitions. By offering plausible solutions to each of the criticisms levelled against Theistic Optimism, he also provides a vigorous and original defence against the charge that it deviates from the Christian tradition.

Engaging with both the Christian tradition and contemporary theologians and philosophers, Why God Must Do What is Best positions the idea of Theistic Optimism firmly within the language of contemporary philosophy of religion.

Learning Greek is one thing. Retaining it and using it in preaching, teaching, and ministry is another.


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