For the intended audience, this is a high value preparation book. In order to simulate the USMLE Step 2 CK test-taking experience, the book is composed entirely of clinical vignette style questions and clinical images.
The questions are referenced to major texts and seminal articles to assist you in further research. This is the perfect resource for students transitioning from didactice to critical years. On - supporting the People's Education Press textbook new goals - new materials.
Chinese Edition " file. For the intended audience, this is a high value preparation book. PreTest Physical Diagnosis delivers questions with complete but concise explanations of both correct and incorrect answer options.
In order to simulate the USMLE Step 2 CK test-taking experience, the book is composed entirely of clinical vignette style questions and clinical images. The questions are referenced to major texts and seminal articles to assist you in further research. This skill is learned and mastered at the bedside. If you understand the normal and abnormal characteristics of each organ system, you will recognize the pattern of the syndrome and reach the correct diagnosis.
Skills in physical diagnosis are instrumental if you desire to become an astute and competent physician. The purpose of this book is to provide medical students and physicians with a comprehensive and convenient method for review and self assessment of their pattern recognition skills in physical diagnosis. The brand-new questions cover the most relevant and pertinent topics in medicine. The questions have been designed to parallel the format and degree of difficulty of the questions contained in medical school physical diagnosis courses as well as the United States Licensing Examination USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 examinations.
This will be a true test of your mastery of physical diagnosis from beginning to end. Each chapter of the book is based on a specific organ system so students can assess and target their specific weaknesses and strengths.
There is a new section on important miscellaneous subjects, such as geriatrics, infectious diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics. All high-yield information in the explanations is bolded for easy reference and access. Forgot your password? Get help. Privacy Policy. Password recovery.
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