That's where we come in. Asurion Experts help customers get their new tech up and running every day, and they've created these steps for popular Smart TV brands and how to add or download apps for each one: Samsung, LG, Vizio and Apple TV. Most Smart TVs have a list of apps already downloaded ready for you to use as soon as you get the TV set up.
This not only includes apps, but also movies and TV shows, as well as both paid and free options. On some models this will be located in the top row, while on others it might be positioned down the right-hand side of the screen. Either way, move to the Apps button by using the directional keys on the remote and then click on enter to access the apps tab. In the Apps section, users will find a list of apps LG thinks you might be interested in, as well as search parameters, such as new and popular to help filter down the results.
Table of Contents. Select the LG Content Store from the home page. In the LG Content Store, access the Apps section, and then select a category of apps or search for an app. The LG Content Store also has both paid and free movies and shows available for download. This drop-down menu will show all the devices tied to your account, such as your Android TV devices and even Wear OS devices.
From here, you can just select the device you want to install the app on, and the download will start remotely. It seems that the feature is a server-side switch and Google will roll out the functionality in a gradual manner. For now, we haven't seen the option on any of our Android devices, yet. Have you got the option to remotely install apps on your Android TV from your Android smartphone on your phone's Google Play Store yet?
This will take you to your TV's home page. Scroll down to the "Apps" section. Do so by swiping down on your remote's touch surface. Select Store and tap the remote's touch surface. Store is the multicolored Google Play Store icon on the far-left side of the "Apps" section.
Browse for apps. You can swipe right to look through the "Entertainment" tab's apps, or swipe down to select a more specific category, such as TV Remote Games.
You can also swipe up to select the magnifying glass icon, then type in a search query. Select an app you wish to download and tap your remote. This option is below the app's name. If the app isn't free, you'll see its price here instead.
It's on the right side of the screen. Selecting this will prompt the app to begin downloading to your TV; when it finishes, you can select OPEN to go straight to the app. Method 4. You'll need to change the input to use your Apple TV unit if you haven't yet done so. If your TV isn't connected to the Internet, you won't be able to add apps. You cannot add apps to an Apple TV if it's a 3rd generation model or older. Select the App Store and tap your remote's touch surface.
The App Store is a dark-blue app with a white "A" made of writing utensils on it. Doing this will open the App Store.
If you're using your iPhone's Apple TV app, you'll first need to open it. Scroll through the App Store's apps. The App Store loads to the "Featured" page by default, where you can view popular apps. You can also scroll over to Search , tap the remote, and type in an app's name to search specifically for it. Selecting the Categories tab will show you different categories of app.
Select an app you wish to download and tap the remote. Doing so will open the app's page. If you're on the Categories tab, you'll first have to select a category.