Depths of peril download full version

This mod removes all of the restrictions for the higher difficulty levels. Be careful, just because you can start a game in legendary at level 10 doesn't mean your character will ever manage to kill anything. Balancing mod. This mod changes a lot of the balancing of the game by increasing the attribute caps, giving more skill points per level, making the higher difficulty levels harder, increasing the size of your party outside of town, and a few other things.

This mod was created by our forum member cof Recruits with cloaks. This mod adds a cloak slot for your recruits. Download the Recruits with Cloaks mod here. This mod was created by our forum member Delve. War Mage proof of concept. Neu erschienen. Beliebte Titel. Im Angebot. Alle Spiele. Mehr GOG. GOG Galaxy. Werde Teil des Teams. Technische Probleme mit Spielen. Bestellungen und Zahlungen. Konto und Website. Infos GOG.

Deutschsprachiges Forum. Hilfe Technische Probleme mit Spielen. Einloggen Einloggen Konto erstellen Einloggen. Die besten Spiele — handverlesen. Depths of Peril is a single player action role-playing game RPG with strong strategy elements.

You play as a faction leader protecting the barbarian city, Jorvik, by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests.

At the same time, you compete with rival factions to see who will rule the city. Barbarians choose their leaders by fighting to the death. As a faction leader, you must deal with rival factions through diplomacy, trade, and in time, war.

Between battles and raids against other barbarian factions, you build the most powerful faction possible, to withstand your enemies. Building the power of a faction involves exploring a fantasy world, slaying dangerous monsters, solving quests for the city, avoiding deadly traps, and plundering loot to share within your faction.

But in this world, actions actually have consequences, so take care. Demo includes 1st act of game and has a level 7 limit. Version 1. Free YouTube Downloader. About TheLoo Number of Entries : No comments:. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Game Wallpapers. Featured Video. Install Game. Click the "Install Game" button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher.


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