MIPSter is an inexpensive commercial product, and it offers a limited time trial version. The current version of spim is 9.
The current version of spim is 8. Change license to a BSD license, update copyright notices, and eliminated references to my old email address.
Simplify alignment of data on stack to ensure enough room is left for environment and args at top of stack.
The current version of spim is 7. Correct problem with installer script that did not install appropriate versions of msvcrt and mfc dlls for Visual Studio 9. Z and spim. The previous version of spim is 7. Exception handler can be a semicolon-separated list of files that will be loaded in order. The man pages are no longer installed by the "make install" command.
Fixed multiple problems in memory mapped IO in xspim and spim. Note: to make programming uniform across all three platforms, memory mapped IO now follows"Unix" handling of carriage return CR and new line NL characters.
This was previously true for PCSpim and xspim, but not spim. Use termios 3 library calls instead of IOCTLs to fix bug introduced in port from termio to termios struct. Pervasive restructuring of files to put 3 UIs spim, xspim, PCSpim in separate directories and cleanup organization and Makefiles. Clearing the transmitter or receiver interrupt enable bits also clear interrupt pending bits in Cause register. Code to poll for a console input character in X windows blocked and prevented any output until input occured.
Type of "mul" instruction was wrong, which lead to it being printed without destination register. Eliminated dependence on obsolete termio.
Set default path for exceptions. Introduced short forms of command line arguments and dropped need for "-file" argument. Major internal cleanup and reorganization of code to eliminate unused code and simplify implementation.
The trap handler exceptions. The trap handler returns by simplemindedly adding 4 to the EPC which is the branch's address in this case , so it does not return to the instruction executed after the trapping instruction.
Handling of newlines and carriage returns is inconsistent between platforms. When a program prints a newline, PCSpim also prints a carriage return, spim and xspim don't. Or, is this consistent with the underlying platform? The previous version of spim is 6. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:.
Neither the name of the James R. Larus nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Run a. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Active 4 years, 11 months ago. Viewed times. I need the command lines for spim stimulator Iam using Ubuntu Improve this question. Karthik Priyatham. Karthik Priyatham Karthik Priyatham 61 7 7 bronze badges. C code? Sorry , I need to run and test it. I need the commands for it — Karthik Priyatham. If you really must use the command line version, google "spim command line" for instructions. It's unclear from the question exactly what the problem is though, since GUI versions of SPIM exists which are very easy to use, and for the command-line version it should just be a matter of googling a command reference.
Note: the exception handler must be installed before running the test. This documentation is far more complete and up-to-date than the documentation included in the spim distribution.
An overview and reference manual for spim and the MIPS32 instruction set. Getting Started with spim PDF. Overview of the console version of spim both Unix and Windows. Getting Started with xspim PDF. Overview of the X-windows version of spim. Overview of the Microsoft Windows version of spim. Overview of the command line options of spim all versions. The documentation included with spim is also online as a postscript or Adobe PDF file. This document is for the original spim pre-version 7.
MIPS, Inc. I have not used this compiler. MIPSter is an inexpensive commercial product, and it offers a limited time trial version. The current version of spim is 7. Fix for flex 2. Exception handler can be a semicolon-separated list of files that will be loaded in order. Memory corruption caused spim to crash when label was defined twice in succession. PCSpim updates register and memory display after a parse error while reading a file.
Eliminated unnecessary null char between strings in list of strings produced by. The man pages are no longer installed by the "make install" command. Change psfig to epsfig in spim. The previous version of spim is 7.
Fixed multiple problems in memory mapped IO in xspim and spim. Note: to make programming uniform across all three platforms, memory mapped IO now follows"Unix" handling of carriage return CR and new line NL characters.